What does ATN buy?
ATN specializes in consumer products, but can generally look at any items - we're very open minded. We buy all different kinds of categories, however we do not look to buy any expired goods.
Does ATN require a minimum order volume?
For customers, our minimum order volume is $2500 USD.
For Vendors, minimum order is a truckload.
Does ATN have any limitations on maximum order volume?
Can ATN pick up in Asia? Other places Worldwide?
As long as freight and duty makes sense, ATN is interested.
Can ATN buy / export private label goods?
Yes. ATN has a great track record of selling goods below the radar. Moreover, ATN has strong experience exporting in accordance to certain guidelines.
Can ATN rework goods?
Yes. ATN can re-pack, re-label and buy bulk to make retail ready.
What are ATN’s standard payment terms?
ATN has strong credit and can provide references upon request. Payment terms are preferably Net 30, however for particular deals we can be flexible.
Our company already sells to discount stores, why do we need ATN?
ATN specializes in discount retail relationships, they are our core customer base. There are many smaller and lesser known vendors that ATN has access to.
Does ATN attend any trade shows? If so, which ones?
Yes. For selling, ATN shows at ASD Las Vegas and TMC Chicago.
For buying, ATN President, Natan Azaraf, attends many shows in search for deals.
Is ATN a Broker or a Buyer?
ATN is looking to buy merchandise. Unless a drop ship agreement is in place beforehand, we look to buy, not broker. ATN does not send out deals before offers.
Does ATN pay 10 Cents on the Dollar?
It depends on many different factors.
What makes ATN different from other Liquidators?
ATN primarily deals with take-all deals rather than cherry picking specific items. ATN is also looking to create long lasting relationships rather than one-off deals.
Does ATN do any deals with restrictions?
Yes. Some of ATN's main vendors require restrictions and there has never been an issue meeting expectations.